3. DHBW AI Transfer Congress – 11.07.2024 Stuttgart, Germany
With the DHBW AI Transfer Congress we want to promote an ongoing exchange between researchers and practitioners in order to discover new ideas and build cooperation to advance the use of Artificial Intelligence in all aspects of society and economy. Talks, workshops, poster presentations and networking opportunities will focus on various aspects related to Artificial Intelligence. The conference session focusses on current research in AI with a special focus on applications. The workshop session will discuss use cases, success stories of AI in industry, discussions of responsible AI as well as networking between science, economy, industry and society.
The workshop sessions will be in German or in English; the talks and poster presentations in English.

Submissions are free to focus on the following topics but are not limited to:
- Responsible AI
- Theoretical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence Tools and Applications
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
- Smart City and Smart Systems Development
- Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0
- Artificial Intelligence in health care
- Artificial Intelligence in business processes and applications
Important Dates
Workshop proposals: 10 May 2024
Full Paper Submission (talks & poster): 17 May 2024
Author Notification: 7 June 2024
Camera Ready Submission: 21 June 2024
Main Conference: 11 July 2024
Program AITC 2024

Detailed program
The workshop sessions will be in German or in English; the talks and poster presentations in English.
Participants can register for the one day conference as follows:
day ticket price : 160 Euro
student ticket price : 25 Euro
The ticket price includes catering in coffee breaks and a lunch break.
For employees of DHBW the ticket prices are waived. This option is for DHBW employees only. External lecturers and dual partners need a regular registration.
Registration to the conference has been closed.
Hinweise zum Datenschutz und zur Verarbeitung von Ton- und Bildmaterial
Program Chairs

Contact: aitc[at]dhbw.de
Program Committee
- Slim Abdennadher, German International University
- Mandy Badermann, University of Tübingen
- Sara Brockmanns, DHBW Karlsruhe
- Irantzu Calvo, MU Enpresagintza
- Bernhard Drabant, DHBW Mannheim
- Eva Gengler, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, FemAI – Center for Feminist Artificial Intelligence
- Sabine Gillner, Axon Ivy
- Frank Gottfried, SAP
- Beate Grawemeyer, London Knowledge Lab, Birkbeck College, University of London
- Jörg Homberger, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
- Michael Karl, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. / Institut für KI Sicherheit
- Thomas Kessel, DHBW Stuttgart
- Monika Kochanowski, DHBW Stuttgart
- Falko Kötter, DHBW Stuttgart
- Bozena Lamek-Creutz, DHBW Mannheim
- Stojan Maleschlijski, SAP
- Johanna Muckenhuber, FH Joanneum (University of Applied Science) Graz
- Carsten Mueller, DHBW Mosbach
- Annette Plankensteiner, DHBW Stuttgart
- Dirk Reichardt, DHBW Stuttgart
- Sven Schmeier, DFKI
- Jennifer Schoch, DHBW Karlsruhe
- Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart
- Marcus Strand, DHBW Karlsruhe
- Nathan Sudermann-Merx, DHBW Mannheim
- Philippe Thomas, Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Andreas Weber, DHBW Karlsruhe
- Katja Wengler, DHBW Karlsruhe
- Philipp Wicke, LMU, Ludwig Maximillians Universität Munich
Call for Contributions
Call for Papers & Posters (English only)
Only attendees’ papers will be accepted for publication provided they are related to the theme of the conference and conform to the publication guidelines. Papers (max. 10 pages) will be published in the Open Access proceedings of the Conference. We accept submissions for the poster session in form of an extended abstract (max. 1 page). Please submit your proposal using the templates (IEEE format) provided below till 17 May 2024.
If you have questions, please contact us: ai-congress[at]dhbw.de
Call for Workshops (German or English)
Bei Workshops steht der Wissenstransfer im Mittelpunkt. Ziel ist es, ein spezielles Thema, einen Anwendungsbereich oder ein Thema zu Technologiefolgen aus den Bereichen Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz dem Publikum, insb. aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, näherzubringen. Die Workshops beinhalten neben einer theoretischen Fundierung auch praktische Hands-On-Elemente. Dabei können z.B. Jupyter-Notebooks o.ä. zum Einsatz kommen.
Vorschläge für Workshops mit einer Dauer von 45 oder 90 Minuten können als formloses Abstract (ca. 500 bis 700 Zeichen) bis zum 10.05.2024 eingereicht werden.
Bei Rückfragen kontaktieren Sie uns gern: aitc-workshops[at]dhbw.de
Wir freuen uns über Einreichungen jeglicher Art auf dem Gebiet Data Science und KI. Als Inspiration für Workshop-Ideen seien folgende Themengebiete genannt:
- Einstieg in Machine Learning (Grundlagen, Regression, Hypothesen, Hyperparameter, Fehlerfunktionen, Over-/Underfitting)
- Principal Component Analysis (Dimensionality Reduction, PCA, Kernel PCA, …)
- Decision Trees, Clustering, Support Vector Machines
- Neuronale Netze
- Explainable and Interpretable Machine Learning
- Time Series Analysis, Time Series Forecasting, Predictive Maintenance & Analytics
- Text Mining and Generation, Textanalyse und Natural Language Processing
- Hardwareplattformen und deren Verwendung (Nvidia Jetson, etc.)
- Tools und Services (Frameworks, Cloud-Angebote, Libraries, MLOps, Security, Datenschutz)
- Mathematical Optimization and optimal decision making
- Bayesian Optimization
- Generative AI
- Reinforcement Learning
- KI in der Bildung
The conference takes place at DHBW Stuttgart, Germany.
Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart
Neubau Fakultät Technik
Lerchenstraße 1
70174 Stuttgart
Please note that DHBW Stuttgart cannot provide parking spaces. The use of public transport is recommended.

Proceedings DHBW AI Transfer Congress
Please find below the proceedings of the past events.