Application & Admission
Admission will be open to all without any discrimination on the basis of race, caste, creed, national origin or gender, provided the applicant fulfills entrance requirements of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). Work permit / work visa is not required for the enrollment at DHBW, as the practical phase by a workplace training provider is an integral part of the dual studies.
Please note:
- Enrollment at the university is only possible after a training contract with a workplace training provider has been signed.
- Enrollment of international degree seeking students, who received their university entrance qualification abroad, is only possible after the assessment of equivalency.
Please visit the pages Documents Required for Admission and Language Proficiency to find out what formal procedures must be adhered to for admission to the university. The Central International Office of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University reserves the right to request additional information from applicants, if needed, to assess their candidacy for admission.
Any queries regarding detailed information on study programmes, enrollment in the chosen degree program, curriculum or any other relevant academic information should be addressed directly to the respective DHBW location.
In order to be enrolled in any of the study programmes offered by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, prospective students first need to apply for a traineeship at any of our partner companies or any approved or otherwise suitable workplace training provider.
Enrollment at the university is only possible after a training contract with a workplace training provider has been signed. For a list of current DHBW partner companies and social institutions, please contact the respective DHBW location.
Applicants from China, Vietnam and India:
Applicants from China, Vietnam and India can only by admitted to DHBW after submitting the Certificate of the ‘Akademische Prüfstelle’ (APS) at the German embassies located in Beijing, Hanoi or New Delhi. In order to receive an APS Certificate, applicants must send their documents to the PS office at the respective German embassy. APS will then verify the documents and examine whether the applicant fulfils the necessary requirements for studying at a German university before issuing an APS Certificate. Please attach this certificate to your Application for the Assessment of Foreign Academic Credentials when applying to DHBW.
APS China | APS Vietnam | APS Indien |
Landmark Tower 2 Tel.: +86 - 10 - 6590 7138 | German Embassy Hanoi, Tel.: +84 4 3267 3361 | DLTA Complex Tel.: +9111 110 029 |
Enrollment of international degree seeking students, who received their university entrance qualification abroad, is only possible after the assessment of equivalency. In order to have your foreign academic credentials verified, please hand in the following documents:
- School-leaving certificate (e.g. Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma, Baccalaureate etc.), including overview of subjects and grades.
- Relevant proof of German language proficiency (please visit the page Language Proficiency for further detailed information)
- Higher education entrance qualification certificate (if applicable)
- Relevant proof of educational qualification obtained, e.g. degree certificate and/or university diploma (if applicable)
- Confirmation of enrollment incl. transcript of all coursework completed and/or in progress of completion (if applicable)
- Results of the qualification assessment examination /Feststellungsprüfung (if applicable).
By Post Only
All documents are to be submitted as officially certified copies (amtlich beglaubigte Kopien) and sent to us by post only. Please do not send us copies of academic credentials, transcripts or any other relevant documents via email.
Official Certification
An official certification can be provided by any public body or government agency that has an official seal (Dienstsiegel), for example registration offices (Bürgerbüros) or local registration offices of the State Residents’ Registration Office (Landeseinwohneramt). Officially certified documents always bear an official seal of the authority that performed the certification.
Average photocopies of the documents (i.e. copies that do not bear an official seal) or incomplete requests for the assessment of foreign academic credentials will not be processed. For further detailed information on officially certified copies, please see the Official Certification information leaflet*.
*Rechtlicher Vermerk: Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Freien Universität Berlin.
Documents in any other language but German, English or French must be submitted as translated and certified copies. All translations are to be performed by an officially accredited (for example, state-certified) translator.
Change of Name
Should your current full legal name be different than the name shown on your documents, you must provide additional documentation proving the change of name (e.g. marriage certificate), translated if needed.
Download Application Form
For questions regarding the assessment of foreign academic credentials please get in contact with us:
Friedrichstraße 14, 70174 Stuttgart
Since winter semester 2017 / 18 universities at Baden-Württemberg are charging tuition fees to the amount of 1.500 Euro per semester for international students who are non-EU/EEA-residents. According to federal law there will be provided some exemptions.
In the form “Auskunftsformular der DHBW für die Beurteilung der Studiengebührenpflicht oder Studiengebührenfreiheit internationaler Studierender” (see at the end of this section) you will find a list of possible exemptions. If one of these exemptions will fit to your certain case, you are kindly asked to fill out this form (only provided in German!) and hand it in with all necessary documents that are required.
Please hand in the filled out “Auskunftsformular…” (if applicable) to the address on the form.
Incomplete requests, i.e. missing documents, will not be processed and will automatically lead to a liability to charges.
Note: Holder of a scholarship of Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (foundation) will be exempted of tuitions fees as long as they draw benefit of this foundation. As a proof of this exemption we ask you to hand in the corresponding note of Baden-Württemberg Stiftung to the below mentioned point of contact.
Payment Arrangements
All payment arrangements will be separately given in a specific payment notice which will be handed out as a written letter via mail. The tuition fees are due every semester according to date of payment given in the payment notice. Be aware that international money transfer could lead to additional fees by your financial institute that has to be considered.
The receipt of payment at the Landesoberkasse (LOK) is decisive.
Note: The "reason for payment" for tuition fees that has to be used for money transfer is different to the "reason for payment" for paying the administration and services fees. Your are asked to use the given reason for payment for paying the fuition fees.
Payment acknowledgement / bill
Tuition fees will be imposed by a payment notice which is valid throughout the duration of your study. This payment notice can only be issued to the student who is liable to these specific fees by federal law. A payment notice cannot be issued to a third party. Payment acknowledgements or bills will not be issued either, please use your bank receipt for payment verification.
Countries with high protection quota
The list of countries having a high protection quota will be subject to changes on regular basis. The following countries are having a high protection quota at the moment:
- Afghanistan
- Eritrea
- Syria
- Somalia
Point of contact
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
Zentralstelle "DHBW Studiengebühren Internationale"
Center for Advanced Studies
Bildungscampus 13
74076 Heilbronn
mail: int.studiengebuehren[at]
Links & Downloads
Note: The documents that you will find here as well as all payment notices or notices for tuition fee waivers will only be provided in German language. Following the link "Information about…" (see below) you will find a list of possible tuition fee waivers according § 5 Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (State University Tuition Law) which are partly listed in the form "Auskunftsformular…" (see below).
Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG) (only in German)
Information about Tuition Fee for International Students
Auskunftsformular der DHBW für die Beurteilung der Studiengebührenpflicht oder Studiengebührenfeiheit Internationaler Studierender (PDF, 216 KB)according to § 5 Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG); The full functionality of this fillable form can only be used with the free Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. To fill out the form, we recommend that you save it on your computer beforehand and open it directly via Adobe Reader / Adobe Acrobat and not via the programs offered by your browser.
Antrag auf Befreiung von der Studiengebühr – Internationale Studierende (PDF, 227 KB)
In order to be admitted to a study programme at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, applicants must prove their German language proficiency.
Please Note:
Prospective students are not required to prove German language proficiency only if applying for a study program held entirely in English.
For a complete overview of all English-taught degree courses, please see our leaflet International Exchange and Study Programmes in English.
The following language certificates shall be accepted as a proof of the required German language proficiency:
- DSH2 - German Language Proficiency Test for University Admission
- TestDaF - Overall score of at least 16 points, with no subtest below TestDaF level 3
- Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (previously: Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP), Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom, Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom)
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz, 2. Stufe
- telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
- Bestandene Feststellungsprüfung eines staatlich anerkannten Studienkollegs
- ÖSD Zertifikat C2
Please Note:
Neither ZMP Certificate (Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung) nor Deutsch C1 Certificate from Goethe Institut nor the completion of a German Studies degree programme in the applicant’s home country is considered to be sufficient.
Enrollment of international degree seeking students, who received their university entrance qualification abroad, is only possible after the assessment of equivalency.
This means, it has to be verified that applicants are formally eligible for studying at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. Upon successful verification, applicants receive a university entry qualification certificate /Bescheinigung über die Hochschulzugangsberechtigung issued by the Central International Office of DHBW.
All requests for the assessment of foreign academic credentials will be evaluated according to the standard German evaluation guidelines issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education in Bonn (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen). The responsible body is the Central International Office (Zentrale Auslandskoordination) of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (please see the right sidebar for contact information).
Requests for the assessment of foreign academic credentials of German applicants, as well as dual nationals (i.e. both German and other citizenship) should be addressed to the Regional Council in Stuttgart (Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart). For further information, please see the Application Form for the Assessment of Foreign Academic Credentials.
In order to have your foreign academic credentials verified, please send translated and officially certified copies of the required documents to:
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
Friedrichstr. 14
70174 Stuttgart
All documents are to be submitted as officially certified copies (amtlich beglaubigte Kopien) and sent to us by post only. Please do not send us copies of academic credentials, transcripts or any other relevant documents via email.
The assessment of foreign academic credentials usually takes 2 to 3 weeks and is free of charge. Should an expert opinion from the Central Office for Foreign Education in Bonn (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen) be required, more time will be needed to process the application.
For questions regarding the assessment of foreign academic credentials please get in contact with us:
Friedrichstraße 14, 70174 Stuttgart
Official semester starts on October, 1st of each year. Any queries regarding detailed information on study programs, enrollment in the chosen degree program, curriculum or any other relevant academic information should be addressed directly to the respective DHBW location.
Should you meet the formal admission requirements, you will need to conclude a training contract with a workplace training provider. Enrollment at the university is only possible after a training contract with a workplace training provider has been signed. For a list of current DHBW cooperation partners please contact the respective DHBW location.
The Central International Office of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University cannot provide any assistance in finding a workplace training provider. Indeed, the dual studies concept incorporates the idea that prospective students prove their ability to act independently by dealing with the admission procedures of workplace training providers on their own.
An applicant is considered to be enrolled at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University upon submission of the following documents:
- University entry qualification certificate (Bescheinigung über die Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) issued by the Central International Office of the DHBW
It has to be verified that applicants are formally eligible for studying at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. The certificate shall be issued upon successful verification of the applicant's foreign academic credentials.
- Study and workplace training contract concluded with the workplace training provider (signed by both parties)
- Administration fee payment proof
The administration fee of EUR 120.00 is to be transferred to the respective university / DHBW location upon conclusion of the study and workplace training contract. Additionally a student-union fee of EUR 12.00 has to be transferred as well as an student-services fee which is differing depending on the respective DHBW location. For further details, please contact the respective DHBW location.